The M. Jackson Group.  Compassionate and Practical Solutions for effective rehabilitation.

With a focus on work-related issues, we help people to lead fulfilling lives through psychological treatment and assessment.

We have offices in Victoria and New Westminster.

You can reach us by phone toll-free at 1-877-590-2270 at the New Westminster office – 604-540-2720  (fax 604-540-2721) or at the Victoria office – 250-360-1680 (fax 250-386-1686)

Our main office address is 457-604 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC, V3M 1A5

Dealing with COVID-19 at the M. Jackson Group

The goal of our practice is to provide safe care to our clients and staff.  As a result, we are offering appointments via Telehealth as well as in person, with the appropriateness determined on a case-by-case basis.  Appointments can also be adapted to include a mixed model when applicable.

All staff and clients must not come in to the office if they are feeling unwell.  We provide paid sick leave to our staff, and we do not charge clients or agencies for cancelled appointments, but we ask that you contact us as soon as possible.

Prior to your appointment with us, you will be asked whether you have, or you have had, any symptoms of Covid-19 in the past 10 days.  These include:  (a)  include a fever; (b) chills; (c) a new or worsening cough (d) shortness of breath; (e) sore throat; or (f) new muscle aches or headache.

We have been attending to the physical environment of our Victoria and New Westminster offices to ensure best infection and prevention control.  As a result, we have ensured that our environment maintains a 2-metre physical distance throughout the appointment.

In addition, we will be cleaning surfaces more frequently, including between clients.  We ask that clients and staff wash their hands upon arrival and when they leave the office.  For some services, we may ask that you use a mask.

If you arrive early for an appointment, please wait outside or in your car.  We are building in gaps between appointments as well to ensure that there is no overlap and that there is time to clean surfaces.

We continue to be alert to any changes in public health guidelines and will update our policies as needed.

Rehabilitation Psychology