
We do a variety of assessments and our focus is on providing practical recommendations. Testing is flexible and adjusted as needed; for example for people with pain issues or visual impairments.

Psychological Assessments:

These are conducted for a variety of purposes and can include answering specific referral questions and assessing emotional functioning.

Psychological and Vocational Assessments:

The goal here is to provide recommendations around rehabilitation, employment, and training.  Assessments can include testing of intellectual and academic skills, personality and emotional functioning, and vocational interests.

Neuropsychological Assessments:

These assessments are appropriate when there are additional questions about a client’s cognitive functioning with regard to suspected or known trauma to the brain (e.g. traumatic brain injure, stroke, brain tumour, fetal or other prolonged substance exposure, and other neurological impairments.  They include detailed assessment of cognitive functioning (i.e., attention and concentration, learning and memory, language, visual-spatial skills, organization and planning, and decision-making).

Learning Disability Assessments:

These assessments are focussed on recommendations for training, accommodations, remediations, and strategies.

Executive Assessments:

These assessments are tailored to business needs that can include industrial selection, management development, or succession planning.


On the day:    If you are coming to an assessment, please bring your glasses, if you use them for reading, and a lunch and any snacks that you need.  There are also several eating places within walking distances of our offices.  There will be an interview, one-on-one testing, and questionnaires.  The assessment is flexible, and there are opportunities for breaks and lunch, and appointments can be made over more than one day as needed.  Please let us know if you have any special needs or if you are getting tired and need a break.


Rehabilitation Psychology