Medical Legal Assessments

We have been providing vocational, psychological, and neuropsychological assessments to the legal system since  1984.  we are a member of the Trial Lawyers Association of BC, and Dr. Pullybllank has given talks on rehabilitation and assessment to legal and other groups.  Our goal is to provide a fair and clear opinion on any impact of disability on the individual, and their resulting employability; an opinion that goes beyond simple vocational testing.

Dr. John Pullyblank

  • Qualified in the Supreme Court of B.C. to provide opinions with regard to Psychology (including diagnosis and treatment recommendation), Rehabilitation Psychology, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Residual Employability.
  • Recent Judgements include:
  • Burdett v. Eidse 2010 BCSC 219 – 2010/02/19;
  • Smusz v Wolfe Chevrolet Ltd. , 2010 BCSC 82- 2010/01/25;
  • C.C.B. v I.B., 2009 BCSC 1425 – 2009/10/20; and
  • Viner-Smith V. Kiing, 2009 BCSC 1387 – 2009/10/09
  • Credentials/Vitae available on request.



Rehabilitation Psychology